Gwynedd Council – Neil Foden – Public Inquiry?

Merthyr Council – Simone Roden/Carys Kennedy/et al – Independent external investigation?

Extracts from this blog post from L8in.

Neil Foden was an abusive bully whose position as headmaster and as an executive member of the NEU trade union made him untouchable.

The same could be said of officers in a senior position at other organisations in the region.

To some onlookers, Gwynedd council appears to run on nepotism, bullying, and a culture of ‘you don’t dob on me and I won’t dob on you.

Executive officers have mentioned that the culture within the council must change.

Does the same culture exist within Gwynedd schools..?

Have school officials, governors and councillors acted when they should?

What is needed is a statutory public inquiry.

Something is so very wrong within Gwynedd council…

Merthyr Council

Something is also so very wrong  within Merthyr Council and Ynysowen Primary School

For example:

● Could it be said that Simone Roden,  Head Teacher of Ynysowen Primary School, was a bully?

After all, she did lead a Cabal of some 4 other Heads from the Southern Cluster Group of Schools in the demand that to the Council that a Senior HR Officer be dismissed.

Yes, it could. Certainly, it looks like bullying to me.

Could it be said that Merthyr council appears to run on nepotism, bullying, and a culture of ‘you don’t dob on me and I won’t dob on you.’

Yes, it could.

Actually, NEPOTISM is the practice among those with power or influence of favouring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.

The Monitoring Officer is a qualified solicitor with no qualifications or experience in HR.

She has a team of solicitors within the Legal Department.

None with relevant qualifications and/or experience in HR.

At Merthyr Council the Monitoring Officer/Head of Legal/Snr Officer with overall responsibility for HR (ONE PERSON) decided to fabricate a SOSR investigation, which resulted in the unfair dismissal of a honest and professional Senior HR Officer in order to cover-up the failure of the HR Manager to do her job.

The HR Manager (a Solicitor with the Council’s Legal Department – Line Manager none other than the Monitoring Officer) was parachuted into the her new position, by the Monitoring Officer, to prevent the Senior HR Officer (a qualified HR Specialist) from getting the job.

Within a very short time of the HR Manager taking up her post, the scapegoating of the Senior HR Officer began.

Not a coincidence.

Furthermore, the Data Protection Officer is the sister of the HR Manager.

It’s all covered in greater detail in my blog posts.


● Could the same be said of officers in a senior position at the Council and also of some senior Trade Union Officers?

Yes, it could. The Monitoring Officer and the HR Manager certainly bullied the Senior HR Officer out of his job.

All based on anecdotal evidence from certain parties with an unhealthy desire to destroy the career of an honest, long serving, professional employee

● Could it be said that Merthyr Council appears to run on nepotism, bullying, and a culture of ‘you don’t dob on me and I won’t dob on you.’?

● Could it be said that the same culture exists within some Merthyr Schools, especially those from the Southern Cluster Group who demanded the sacking of a Senior HR Officer.

Yes, it could. No need to look further than the nefarious activities of the Cabal of 5.

What is needed is an independent external investigation of the Council’s Safeguarding Failures and the cover-up of the said failures, including the Council acceding to the demands from third parties to terminate an employee’s employment.

Neil FodenThe abuse of children in Gwynedd has been going on for decades… In 2012, Theresa May, then Home Secretary, gave a statement to the House of Commons with regard to historic allegations of child abuse in the region. Excerpts include –In 1995, the then Secretary of States for Wales, my Rt Hon Friend the […]

Gwynedd Council – Neil Foden – Public Inquiry?

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