Is it acceptable to rely on Anecdotal Evidence to dismiss an employee?  After all, Anecdotal Evidence is really based on Hearsay and Rumour.

Read this report.

No. It is not acceptable to honest decent people to unfairly dismiss an employee by relying on hearsay and rumour.

It is also unacceptable for a prima donna Headteacher to form a cabal with four other Heads with the sole purpose of demanding that the Council dismiss an employee just because she did not like the professional advice he provided as part of his role of supplying HR advice and guidance, by Welsh Government Regulations on Safeguarding and Child Protection.

Finally, it is unacceptable that Carys Kennedy, (Monitoring Officer, Head of Legal and Governance and Senior Officer responsible for HR Resources) acceded to the demands of the Cabal by UNFAIRLY dismissing the Senior HR officer.

No. It is not acceptable to honest decent people to unfairly dismiss an employee by relying on hearsay and rumour. It is also unacceptable for a prima donna Headteacher to form a cabal with four other Heads with the sole purpose of demanding that the Council dismiss an employee just because she did not like […]

Is it acceptable to rely on Anecdotal Evidence to dismiss an employee?  After all, Anecdotal Evidence is really based on Hearsay and Rumour.

One thought on “Is it acceptable to rely on Anecdotal Evidence to dismiss an employee?  After all, Anecdotal Evidence is really based on Hearsay and Rumour.

  1. Reading this is textbook to the ethnic cleansing of former West Glamorgan County Council that transferred over to the City and County of Swansea.

    The good we’re showing the bad really bad. The balance had to sway towards making the bad look good through any means possible.

    Brain erosion meant that for example good former West Glamorgan engineers were called upon as consultants at £400 a day to the taxpayer.

    Apparently there is a Royal Charter that gives councils with Lord Mayors impunity to be criminally impugned.

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