1 An Independent Inquiry into Oldham Grooming Gangs

2.  An Independent Investigation into the 2016 Bullying Cabal of Head Teachers from the Southern Cluster Group of Schools and the Cover-up of Child Protection Safeguarding Failures of Senior Officers of the Council in acceding to the demands of this group of Bullies to demand that an honest employee be sacked.

The Head Teachers of the following Primary schools were members of the Cabal.






Oldham Inquiry

It took a change in the overall control of the Council to finally get an agreement to an independent inquiry into the grooming gangs in Oldham.

Merthyr Council and the Cabal of 5

What is a Cabal?

A group of people with a strong common interest.

What is a gang?

A group of people who join together in order to intimidate or oppose someone.

What is the purpose of an independent inquiry?

To find out:

● What happened?

● Why did it happen?

● Who is to blame?

● What can be done to prevent this happening again?

What is an investigation?

an investigation is a process followed:

● to explore in detail the allegations,

● to examine the evidence in depth

● To determine specifically whether misconduct has been committed,

● by whom,

● and to what extent.

Child Protection Safeguarding Failures

Unfortunately, there has been no independent external investigation into the unprofessional behaviour of this group of Heads, led by Simone Roden Head of Ynysowen Primary, and to the Council acceding to their demands to sack an employee.

There has also been no external investigation into the Child Protection Safeguarding Failures within the Authority since February 2016.

Yes, there was a Welsh Audit Report on the Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements relating to Safeguarding at the Council published in August 2019.

That report has not been presented to any Committee of the Council for review.

I have raised this point many times with the Officers and Councillors and the Full Council but the report continues to be suppressed by the Monitoring Officer.

It doesn’t look like the situation at Merthyr Council will change any time soon.

It is such a shame that the Council does not consider that safeguarding and child protection are issues that warrant closer attention.

Merthyr Council Safeguarding Failures

The Merthyr Council Cover Up Explained

When the Sh*t finally hits the fan, people will say, “How did they get away with it for so long? Surely, someone must have known”

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