BBC News: PM apologises after infected blood scandal cover-up

Gareth Chapman, retired CEO of Merthyr Council, did apologise for the debacle of an investigation that was conducted over a period of 18 months from July 2012 to January 2014 which involved an 18 month suspension from work for the victim of the so-called investigation. However, no investigation was carried out regarding the cover-up of … Continue reading BBC News: PM apologises after infected blood scandal cover-up

Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells hands over 50 new documents ahead of her scandal inquiry appearance.

Wouldn't it be good if Merthyr Full Council was able to receive some documents from the cover-up of the Safeguarding Failures of Officers, especially Senior Officers at the Council. Article from Sky News Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells hands over 50 new documents ahead of scandal inquiry appearance Wouldn't it be good if … Continue reading Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells hands over 50 new documents ahead of her scandal inquiry appearance.

Agenda for Cabinet on Wednesday, 15th May, 2024, 4.00 pm

Hyperlink to Agenda and Reports Pack Agenda Frontsheet Hyperlink to Agenda Reports Pack Minutes of Previous Meeting

The Suppressed Audit Wales Report on the Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements related to Safeguarding at Merthyr Council is only part of the Cover-up.

The suppressed Report Post giving a detailed analysis of the findings of the Report together with My Comments. This reblogged post gives more of the story

Conspiracy to cover-up Safeguarding Failures at Merthyr Council Hyperlink to Blog Post on Safeguarding Failures at Merthyr Council Hyperlink to all Blog Posts

Who is a liar? Fran Donnelly (Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development at Merthyr Council) OR Simone Roden (Head Teacher of Ynysowen Primary School)?

This post was first published in September 2021. Questions have still not been answered Fran Donnelly I have written a number of posts relating to this enigma. One of them MUST BE A LIAR. They cannot both be telling the TRUTH regarding the dismissal of a Senior HR Officer at the Council. Fran Donnelly says … Continue reading Who is a liar? Fran Donnelly (Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development at Merthyr Council) OR Simone Roden (Head Teacher of Ynysowen Primary School)?

Is it acceptable to rely on Anecdotal Evidence to dismiss an employee?  After all, Anecdotal Evidence is really based on Hearsay and Rumour.

Read this report. No. It is not acceptable to honest decent people to unfairly dismiss an employee by relying on hearsay and rumour. It is also unacceptable for a prima donna Headteacher to form a cabal with four other Heads with the sole purpose of demanding that the Council dismiss an employee just because she … Continue reading Is it acceptable to rely on Anecdotal Evidence to dismiss an employee?  After all, Anecdotal Evidence is really based on Hearsay and Rumour.