I reblog this post from April 2022 because it has recently received some interest from visitors to the site. This is a copy of a FOI request I submitted to Merthyr Council in February 2019. In February 2016 two meetings were held at Ynysowen Primary School relating to an alleged safeguarding incident involving the Head … Continue reading FOI request – MERTHYR COUNCIL – REBLOG

This is a Test of Governance Practice at Merthyr Council

Hyperlink to Agenda and Reports Pack for this meeting The following screenshots show the Agenda Frontsheet and the Minutes of the Meeting of the Governance and Audit Committee held on 23rd October 2023 Agenda Minutes The Test Read the minutes of this meeting and tell me if you can find the answers given by … Continue reading This is a Test of Governance Practice at Merthyr Council

Qualified to do the Job? – YOU TELL ME.

Fran Donnelly Article referred to above Extract from article There have been concerns before about the lack of due diligence performed by the council’s HR department and the sub-committee over some appointments to senior and important roles.

Frances Linda Donnelly – Solicitor/HR Manager/Solicitor – Major Player in the Destruction of the career of a “colleague”

Frances Linda Donnelly This lady was a Solicitor in the Legal Department of Merthyr Council. Her line manager was Carys Kennedy, Head of Legal and Governance and Senior Officer with overall responsibility for HR. In January 2016 she was appointed to the post of HR Manager at the Council. She was appointed by Carys Kennedy. … Continue reading Frances Linda Donnelly – Solicitor/HR Manager/Solicitor – Major Player in the Destruction of the career of a “colleague”

FOI Requests submitted to all Welsh Councils asking for Statistics for the last 10 years on the use of an SOSR investigation to dismiss an employee.

The following questions were asked: For the last 10 years how many SOSR investigations were carried out involving Council Officers that resulted in employees leaving their employment. Please indicate what were the reasons for leaving for any such employees. Not one Council has used the SOSR option to dismiss an employee. So, yet again, Merthyr … Continue reading FOI Requests submitted to all Welsh Councils asking for Statistics for the last 10 years on the use of an SOSR investigation to dismiss an employee.

FOI Farce – Merthyr Council still not prepared to answer my request about suppression of Audit Wales Reports

My recent FOI request Dear Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council,Will you please confirm when the following reports were presented and discussed at any Council Committee meeting and which Committee meetings.Review of Corporate Arrangements for Safeguarding in Welsh Councils (issued July 2015)Report on the Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements for Safeguarding at Merthyr Council (issued August 2019)Follow-up … Continue reading FOI Farce – Merthyr Council still not prepared to answer my request about suppression of Audit Wales Reports

A Question for the Full Council on Wednesday 13th September 2013

My question, see below, will be put to the Full Council on Wednesday 13th September 2023: "Has the WAO Report on the Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements relating to Safeguarding at Merthyr Council ever been considered and discussed at any official Council Meeting.If it has, please provide details of the meeting/s concerned.If not, why not, and … Continue reading A Question for the Full Council on Wednesday 13th September 2013

FOI Request for information

See the following hyperlink to the WDTK website Request to Merthyr Council via What Do They Know website. Dear Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council,Will you please confirm when the following reports were presented and discussed at any Council Committee meeting and which Committee meetings.Review of Corporate Arrangements for Safeguarding in Welsh Councils (issued July … Continue reading FOI Request for information

FOI Request for Information Ref: 6889

Minutes of Safeguarding Strategy Meetings 24th February 2016, 25th February 2016 and 17th March 2016. If you look at the Council's FOI Disclosure Log you will find no record of my request Ref No 6889. I have copied extracts of my correspondence with the Council. The first communication 1.11.2018Dear Merthyr Tydfil Council, In February … Continue reading FOI Request for Information Ref: 6889

PSOW ‘Variants’ To Recommendations And Investigation Remits…Gwynedd Council.

Other Councils have troubles with SEND too. Not just Merthyr. Accepting the Ombudsman for Wales offer of a third investigation into cyngor Gwynedd was a mistake. Yet again, the ‘remit’ for investigation was a bone of contention. So much evidence of continued bad behaviour by officers was not to be investigated, nor action taken over … Continue reading PSOW ‘Variants’ To Recommendations And Investigation Remits…Gwynedd Council.