“The Great Biscuit Debate: Merthyr Council’s Crunchy Conundrum – The Merthyr Observer


How should minutes of meetings be recorded

An intense argument over whether council meeting minutes should be recorded in Comic Sans to appear more ‘friendly’ to the public, a motion that was, thankfully, defeated.

Fate of Governance Hangs in the balance

Meanwhile, the fate of Merthyr Tydfil’s governance hangs in the balance, hinging on the all-important question:

Digestives or Rich Tea?

Only time will tell if this confectionery conundrum will be resolved or if the council chambers will be forever haunted by the ghost of undecided biscuits.

My Observations

It is plain for all to see that this blogger at The Merthyr Observer has identified challenges at the Council that I was not aware of.

Minutes of Meetings and Governance

Here am I thinking that the problems with minutes and governance were related to:

  • Minutes recording lots of questions raised but no record of any answers.
  • Minutes of Committee meeings being presented (UNCONSTITUTIONALLY) to the Full Council for approval when they should be presented (CONSTITUTIONALLY) to the Committees.
  • The Monitoring Officer’s suppression of key information from the Council and the public
  • Obfuscation

* This is not an exhaustive list of the problems and challenges being faced by the Council.

Other blog posts related to similar problems

Understanding the Monitoring Officer’s use of Obfuscation at Merthyr Council. For the attention of Councillors and the people of Merthyr.

The Process of Good Governance – a) Agenda b) Minutes c) Consistent d) Open and Transparent


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