The FARCE continues

Video Stream of Meeting

So, the FARCE of presenting minutes of Committee Meetings to the Full Council for approval as a correct record continued at the meeting on 21st February 2024.

Extract from video stream of meeting

The Presentation of Minutes of Committee Meetings for approval by the Full Council

How Long did it take?

It only took 1 minute.


Merthyr Council is the only Council in Wales to present draft minutes of Committee Meetings to the Full Council for approval as a correct record.

The Council’s Constitution requires that draft minutes of Committee Meetings be presented for approval to the next suitable (i.e., an ordinary meeting, not a special meeting) meeting of the Committee.

The Monitoring Officer has ‘explained’ to the Council that this practice is followed to ensure that the minutes are entered into the Council’s Formal Record.

To Approve and Enter Into The Record Is a FALLACY.

The Minutes ARE The Formal Record.

The Full Council Is Not Required To Resolve That The Minutes Be Entered Into The Record.

The Minutes Of Previous Committee Meetings MUST, In Accordance With The Council’s Constitution, Be Approved By The Committees and NOT The Full Council.

It is the Monitoring Officer’s decision to follow this unconstitutional practice.

Full Council 21st February 2024 – Minutes of Previous Meetings and Committee Meetings (including hyperlinks to each set of minutes)

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