Open letter for Councillor Andrew Barry, Cabinet Member with the portfolio for Governance and Resources.

This is the question that I wanted to put to the Full Council.

The Head of Democratic Services has decided that the letter should not be put to the Full Council.

“At the meeting of the Standards Committee held on 16th June, 2023 I noticed that the Chair took the Committee through the minutes, page by page, for accuracy and then again to check if there were any items in the minutes that needed to be followed up and should be on the agenda for this meeting.

I also noticed that the Monitoring Officer and the Deputy Monitoring Officer made no attempt to remind the Chair that the minutes were on the agenda for information only.

Will the Cabinet Member with the portfolio for Audit and Governance Resources please explain why this obvious breach of the rules of governance practice was allowed.”

Email sent to Head of Democratic Services – Chair of Standards Committee breaches rules of Governance.

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