Frances Linda Donnelly – Solicitor/HR Manager/Solicitor – Major Player in the Destruction of the career of a “colleague”

Frances Linda Donnelly

This lady was a Solicitor in the Legal Department of Merthyr Council.

Her line manager was Carys Kennedy, Head of Legal and Governance and Senior Officer with overall responsibility for HR.

In January 2016 she was appointed to the post of HR Manager at the Council.

She was appointed by Carys Kennedy.

I submitted a Freedom of Information request to the Council asking whether Fran Donnelly had any professional qualifications in HR. I also asked if she had had any experience of working at a Senior Level in HR.

The Council refused to provide this information.

The Council also banned me from making any further FOI requests unless it was done via a professional advocate employed by me.

On 7th June 2016, 5 months after being appointed, she and Carys Kennedy invited Chris Jones, Senior HR Officer to a meeting.

At this meeting Chris Jones was offered a payment of £20k to resign and sign a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

He refused.

He was then suspended and following a fabricated SOSR investigation his employment was terminated.

Fran Donnelly was later transferred back to the Legal Department as a Solicitor.

There is a lot more information available in posts on my blog website.

A few selected posts are shown below.

Comments about Fran Donnelly from Judge at Employment Tribunal

Ms Donnelly displayed a degree of FLIPPANCY in answering the claimant’s questions which did not enhance her credibility before the tribunal“.

Judge Wayne Beard

The definition of flippant is disrespectful or the lack of a serious attitude. An example of flippant is when you make a sarcastic comment in response to a serious question. … Showing disrespect through a casual attitude, levity, and a lack of due seriousness.

Sums up Fran Donnelly to a T

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