Update on Whistleblowing Arrangements Related to Safeguarding. Report to Full Council from Lisa Curtis -Jones – Director of Social Services

Some matters of context relating to Lisa Curtis-Jones and Safeguarding

Lisa Curtis-Jones (LCJ) is the Director of Social Services at Merthyr Council.

In February 2016, LCJ was the Chief Officer (Social Services) at Merthyr Council.

At that time, LCJ was responsible for all matters relating to Safeguarding at Merthyr Council.

In that capacity, LCJ was the Line Manager of Alex Beckham (AB) – Safeguarding Manager.

AB, as Safeguarding Manager, was responsible for convening the Safeguarding Strategy Meetings at Ynysowen Primary School on 24th and 25th February 2016.

AB was also responsible for the recording of all decisions made at these meetings.

AB was also responsible for ensuring that the School’s Chair of Governors, Rosa Lazell (RL), was made aware of the procedures to be followed when dealing with any allegations made against a staff member

Alex Beckham – Lead Safeguarding Officer of Merthyr Council (in 2016) Was she there or not on 25th February?

My clarification on Reports not being seen by a Council Committee

Officers’ Reports

My Observations and Comments on this Officer’s report.

The Text of the Officer’s Report (including my Comments in red)

Link to Officer’s Report


Update on Whistleblowing arrangements related to Safeguarding


1.1 This report is to provide Council with information regards an update on the whistleblowing arrangements related to Safeguarding.

1.2 Following correspondence received by Welsh Audit Office (WAO) in September 2018, they undertook a review in the period January to March 2019.

1.3 In August 2019 there were two reviews – a review of Corporate Arrangements for Safeguarding and a Review of whistleblowing arrangements relating to safeguarding.

The initial audits were linked to a national piece of work across all 22 local authorities which was linked to a previous safeguarding audit in 2015.

1.3 above is incorrect

The Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements related to Safeguarding at Merthyr Council was not linked to any other national piece of work across all 22 local authorities.

The Report on the Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements related to Safeguarding was published in response to a complaint submitted to the WAO by Chris Jones (CJ) – Senior HR Officer (Whistleblower)

2.1 A question was raised at Council in July 2023 “When will the WAO Report on the Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements relating to Safeguarding at Merthyr Council be considered by the Full Council”.

2.2 Councillor Jenkins in her role as Cabinet Member for Social Services responded to the question and highlighted the outcomes to the recommendations made from the audits in 2019.

2.3 Reports were considered at Standards Committee (November 2019) Governance and Audit Committee (November 2020) and Social Services Scrutiny (February 2021) in respect of Whistleblowing. A report was also received by Cabinet in July 2021 outlining progress against the audit recommendations

2.4 A question has also been listed for September 2023 Council ‘Has the WAO Report on the Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements relating to Safeguarding at Merthyr Council ever been considered and discussed at any official Council Meeting?’ which I hope the following information answers.


3.1 There were four areas for improvement listed within the report.

These were as follows:

 The Council should ensure that there are accurate and timely records of all meetings relating to safeguarding enquiries, ensuring that these minutes include the reasons for any decisions in accordance with current Welsh Government guidance.

 The Council should ensure that its staff are familiar with its whistleblowing policy and procedures, and that any concerns raised by staff should be recorded and a written response should be sent to the whistleblower in accordance with the Council’s policy.

 The Council should re-affirm with relevant staff the circumstances in which a school’s governing body should commission an independent investigation in relation to a safeguarding allegation against a member of the school’s staff.

 The Council should ensure that: it retains sufficient centrally funded HR capacity to fulfil its statutory duties in relation to schools; and in consultation with schools, reviews the Service Level Agreement governing the sale of HR services so that it reflects the needs of schools as customers.

3.2 Each improvement listed has been actioned and responses provided to WAO.

These are as follows:

 The Council provide accurate and timely records of all meetings relating to safeguarding enquiries and the minutes of such meetings include the reasons for any decisions made. We have administrators within the safeguarding unit who have received safeguarding training and are very experienced to carry out this piece of work.

 The whistleblowing policy has been discussed and reviewed, and again recently presented to Council in June 2023. The policy and procedures have been shared with staff members. Any concerns raised by staff have been recorded and written responses provided.

 If an independent investigation is required, then this is discussed within the professional concerns meetings and the decision recorded.

In respect of schools, WG have developed a whistleblowing policy which has been shared with all Governing Bodies – this policy is one that needs to be reviewed and accepted on an annual basis.

 In relation to the HR recommendations, there is sufficient capacity to fulfil its statutory duties with schools.

Also, regular SLA questionnaires are undertaken to ensure the service provided is reviewed. Consultation takes place to ensure any changes are implemented and the agreement reviewed.


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