The 2019 Report on the Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements relating to Safeguarding at Merthyr Council MUST now be considered URGENTLY by Full Council. Its been HIDDEN away for far too long. The Senior Officers RESPONSIBLE for the #Unfair Dismissal of a Senior HR Officer MUST be made ACCOUNTABLE for their Gross Misconduct in Public Office. (#following a fabricated SOSR investigation arranged to cover-up the failure of an HR Manager cannot be ignored any longer)

The Senior Officers have still not been made accountable for their wrongdoings in this matter.

The Council has still not accepted it’s responsibilty for the Unfair Dismissal of a Senior HR Officer with 14 years loyal service.

The Head Teacher of Ynysowen Primary School has still not accepted her part in colluding with 4 other Heads and the HR Manager and the Monitoring Officer to dismiss the Senior HR Officer.

The Chair of Governors of Ynysowen Primary School has still not been made accountable for failing to comply with Welsh Government rules on Safeguarding of School Children.

It would appear that the HR Manager, Fran Donnelly, has been moved back into her post of Solicitor in the Legal Department (Managed by the Head of Legal/Monitoring Officer).

She had been parachuted into the position of HR Manager in January 2016.

That’s when the Monitoring Officer’s final solution of getting rid of the Senior HR Officer was put into operation.

Within 6 months, the Senior HR Officer was suspended.

He was Unfairly Dismissed in January 2017.

Job done in one year. Well done all 👍

Merthyr Council Cover-up

The Audit Wales Audit Plan for 2022-23 also required the Council to review its whistleblowing arrangements.

The introduction of the new code will, so states Simon Jones, satisfy Audit Wales requirements regarding the Council’s whistleblowing arrangements.

Its good to see that the Full Council is updating its Whistleblowing arrangements.

However, I must express my serious concerns that the Full Council never got the opportunity to consider an earlier Audit Wales Report on the review of whistleblowing arrangements relating to Safeguarding at Merthyr Council

I have reported this matterto the Council on numerous occasions to no avail.

The New Whistleblowing Policy (Code) was approved by the Full Council on Wednesday 8th February.

The Author of the Report that was considered by the Full Council was Simon Jones, Senior Solicitor/Deputy Monitoring Officer.

Section 4.2 states that at a recent inspection by the Care Inspectorate for Wales, concerns were…

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