Full Council Meeting Wednesday 5th October 2022 – Point of Order – Obfuscation by Monitoring Officer

The link to the video stream of the above meeting is shown below


The following audio file is an extract from this stream relating to a Point of Order raised by Councillor Jamie Scrivens in respect of the Council’s ‘Unconstitutional’ process of presenting minutes of all Committee Meetings enbloc to the Full Council for approval as a true record of those meetings.

It also contains the Monitoring Officer’s ‘response’ to the Point of Order

A transcript of this ‘response’ is produced below:

What a load of waffle and gobbledegook OBFUSCATION

I can only conclude from this ‘response’ that either the Monitoring Officer does not understand the Council’s Constitution or that she is practicing the ART OF OBFUSCATION.

She is deliberately MISLEADING the members and the public.

There is no reason why the minutes of Committee Meetings cannot be presented to meetings of the Full Council – FOR INFORMATION.

The Council’s Constitution is identical to the Constitutions of RCT Council and Caerphilly Council regarding the process for dealing with Minutes of Meetings.

Both Councils refer minutes of Committee Meetings to the next meetings of the Committees.

Both Councils refer only minutes of the Full Council Meeting to the next meeting of the Full Council.

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