How to manage the NARCISSISTIC LIAR

Some tips for the Merthyr Council Members

First thing you have to do is identify if any of your Senior Officers fit the bill.

I have extracted this section from an article of research (see link below)

The narcissistic liar

The narcissistic liar demands attention, yet the lies that he or she create always deny responsibility and accountability for the actions of the narcissist.

The narcissist is driven entirely by ego, rather than logic, and will defend the ego at all costs.

This type of person never admits to making a mistake.

He or she is often a “people person” seeking attention when things go right, bragging or exaggerating accomplishments, while being quick to place blame and criticize others.

Look for childish, deviant behaviors in the narcissistic liar, scapegoating other employees, or creating a web of unlikely mishaps or victimization.

For this reason, putting a narcissistic liar in charge of a team is a disaster that will result in misery and frustration for the team.

Narcissistic liars are more damaging to your public relations department than pathetic liars because of the narcissist’s inability to be responsible or accountable.

The narcissistic liar is incapable of exercising reflection and rectitude because he or she is a hollow ego of fragile self-perception and denial. Every missed objective is someone else’s fault.

In managing the narcissistic liar, you should work to create multiple checkpoints in which the liar has no way to deceive.

Demanding yes or no answers, rather than complicated list of excuses, and explaining the need for responsibility in an immediate and simple fashion can lessen the damage of the narcissist.

Multiple reporting lines for a team with the narcissistic liar on board are an absolute necessity.

It may be helpful to build advanced deadlines when managing a narcissistic liar, in the expectation that initial deadlines will be blown, always at the fault of someone else.

Narcissistic liars enjoy the drama that they create.

Therefore, a meeting and firm review of performance in logical terms, rather than dramatic terms, is a necessity, as is minimizing the conflict and drama that this person enjoys.

Finally, confronting the narcissist directly with lies and demanding that he or she take responsibility for his or her work, regardless of a myriad of excuses, may be your final line of management.

Explaining that there are no excuses, the work is either done or not, can help to box the narcissist in to taking some responsibility.

The person may be able to get the work done, with a lot of oversight, but never expect honesty.

Verify everything.

This is a link to an article of research on this matter.

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