UPDATE Communication with a Merthyr Tydfil Councillor

Councillor says:

The Authority needs fundamental changes in operating procedures and as you are obviously aware, cultural change.

I am not aware that the Council has achieved any fundamental changes in operating procedures or cultural change.

Have I missed something?

I am sure that someone will let me know if I have.

As a result of recent posts from me, I have been contacted on Direct Messenger by a member of Merthyr Council.

The communications were not marked as private and confidential, so I am sharing the messages together with my responses.

I would stress that I have edited the Councillor’s messages so as to protect the individual’s identity.


1 Councillor’s message to me.

I have taken your posts down from our pages.

The simple reason is we can not be seen to supporting open criticism of Council Officers. You leave us wide open to ombudsman referrals and a threat of suspension.

That serves no purpose for you or the many other residents and businesses of Merthyr that rely on us Councillors to support them.

If you have issues, by all means contact individual Councillor’s as you see fit, however I can not allow such irresponsible posts on out pages.

2 My response.

Thanks for your comments. I will not post on those pages having received your comments.

I am not able to contact individual Councillors as, apart from two, they have instructed the IT department to block any emails from me.

With respect, I do not consider that my posts are irresponsible.

They are based on facts.

Facts that some individuals don’t want to discuss or deal with.

I also don’t understand why Councillors allow a cover-up of an issue involving breach of child protection procedures as laid down by the Welsh Government.

Can you tell me why this WAO Audit Report has not been referred to Committee.


3 Councillor response.

You can rest assured that I and my Councillor colleagues are leaving no stone left.

The Authority needs fundamental changes in operating procedures and as you are obviously aware, cultural change.

We are under intense scrutiny and criticism from WG and Audit Wales.

We have an independent HR specialist to help us Councillors and the Authority to develop the procedures that the organisation fundamentally requires.

We are working for the people of Merthyr and are acutely aware of the issues that require change.

4 My response.

You had an experienced Senior HR Officer who was unfairly dismissed by the Council after a fabricated SOSR investigation.

In my opinion he was setup by the Monitoring Officer and the HR Manager.

If you took some time to read my blog posts you would have an insight into their dodgy practices.

My son is one of the people of Merthyr.

He has lost his career because he would not follow the UNWRITTEN rules operated at the Council. He wanted to ensure that the Council was protected by following the rules laid down by Employment Law and the Welsh Government.

Are you aware of how much the Council spends on severance payments to employees who should have been dismissed following the Council’s procedures on Misconduct or Capability.

They get them to sign NDA’s so they won’t be able to claim unfair dismissal.

My son was offered a severance payment which he refused because he had done nothing wrong.

I know that his career is over.

And I also know why he lost it.

There’s nothing I can do about that.

But the cover-up continues to be covered-up.

Sorry to go on.

I’ve got no more to say.

It’s all in the blogs.

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