Teacher accused of assault on girl ‘takes own life’

Teacher acccused of assault on girl ‘takes own life’ https://newspaper.mailplus.co.uk/data/1871/reader/reader.html?social#!preferred/0/package/1871/pub/6018/page/24/content/315132

Respected teacher, 53, ‘takes her own life’ days before her trial  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11740423/Respected-teacher-53-takes-life-days-trial.html?ito=native_share_article-top

Thankfully this is not what happened when the Head Teacher of Ynysowen Primary School was alleged to have ‘assaulted’ one of her pupils in February 2016.

However, what did happen, as a result of this alleged incident, certainly had an affect on the working life of a Senior HR Officer employed by Merthyr Council.

The Head Teacher was annoyed with this Officer for, as she wrongly thought, recommending that the Chair of Governors should arrange an independent investigation into her involvement in this alleged incident.

I say that the Head ‘wrongly thought’ because what the Officer actually did was ADVISE the Chair of Governors that, in accordance with Welsh Government regulations on Child Protection and Safeguarding, she should CONSIDER the need for an independent investigation to be carried out into the alleged incident.

Indeed, she was so annoyed that, according to the HR Manager of the Council, she colluded with four other Heads from the Southern Cluster of Schools and demanded that the LA must dismiss the Officer.

Following a fabricated SOSR investigation the Officer was Unfairly Dismissed.

The Head continued her career.

She was recently awarded an MBE for her services to education.

She was also successful in leading the school through an Estyn Inspection which received an excellent report.

The Officer lost his career in HR.

The 2019 Report on the Review of Whistleblowing Arrangements relating to Safeguarding at Merthyr Council MUST now be considered URGENTLY by Full Council. Its been HIDDEN away for far too long. The Senior Officers RESPONSIBLE for the #Unfair Dismissal of a Senior HR Officer MUST be made ACCOUNTABLE for their Gross Misconduct in Public Office. (#following a fabricated SOSR investigation arranged to cover-up the failure of an HR Manager cannot be ignored any longer)


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